
Posted by JasonHarrison

So, it's been over a month since my last post!

Wow, there is much to talk about.

I recently took the family on a trip to Disney World, and it was fantastic! I haven't had that much fun in a very long time, and I haven't had that much physical pain as well. I will be updating with pictures very soon, but I want to tell you what I have discovered in the last month. See the last part of this post for info on where to find the updates, because this here party will be moving soon...

Since February, a very important part of my life has been changing in dynamic ways. In past posts, I haven't tried to hide the fact that this large part of my life is my relationship with God. This is drastically different from the mindset that possessed me several years ago, and many from those days may not be able to see past who I was to discover who I am.

On with the show...

People don't like religion. They get angry when religious fanatics force their snooty nose into their business. They get defensive when outsiders trash what they see as their life. They get steamed when they feel self doubt and embarrassment. They see this intrusion as the gold-standard to measure all of "those religious freaks" by.

I feel the same way.

When I grew up, I often thought that my home was the buckle on the "bible belt" of America. I grew up hearing messages of "fire and brimstone" that left my soul somewhat numb to the effects of the gloom and doom genre of preaching. It was a regular occurrence to hear about how everything that I really "enjoyed" was going to hold my soul captive. Honestly, I quit paying attention long before I really ever took my little foray into the "things of this world."

I know that sounds extremely critical, and I need to clarify something. The pastor of my youth - Doyle Ferguson - is a man that is close to God's heart. I have no doubt that he heard (and still hears) from the voice of God on a daily basis. What I am saying is that I wish his teaching could have occurred in my present place in life so that I could retain more of what was said. Not everyone is as lucky to have that kind of opportunity for Godly influence in their lives. I am lucky to have a second chance at it now that I am older.

The reason that I grew calloused to those opportunities for growth is that I never cultivated a personal relationship with God. I always left those kinds of things to chance, and I am truly sorry to admit that. Later in my life, I allowed many other things to spoil the chances that I had to repair the broken relationship that was there. With this in mind, I am asking myself difficult questions.

What can I do to keep that from happening to someone else?

What have I done to interfere with another's quest for peace?

How can I stop hurting and start helping?

Love is a peculiar little word. It brings about many different emotions in people. Some have been hurt by it, others did the hurting through it. Some find strength in it, and yet others see it as their ultimate weakness. Things like divorce can tag "love" with the mark of hatred and betrayal. Couples that once were inseparable become bitter through an onslaught of sharp words that are thrown around. Opposing families sometimes join in the fight as well, further distancing the two hurting parties even more. Some have had their worlds crushed by things that masquerade as love, and they cannot ever see their life with "love" playing a vital role again. Perverse things may have broken their soul, and they are glad to be free of it.

I heard a comment on another blog - It may have been the Mars Hill blog - that told about a circle of acquaintances in Las Vegas. These strippers had tattoos that read "Daddy's Girl." These ladies were the victims of molestation at the hands of their fathers, and their tattoos were something that banded them together.

So, love is not always heard and accepted with the same fervor. Telling someone "Jesus loves you" can bring about terrible reminders that have been kept at bay for a lifetime. With this thought driving my intent, I discover that I have to be careful of what I say and how I say it. It becomes much simpler to just show love, and let the action do the talking. Sure, these actions are not always accepted easily either, but they are less abrasive than words. If the action is offered in the true spirit of love, then doors open much quicker than they close.

My Church is taking this summer to do service projects in our community. This is one way that we can show love without having to tell about it. We can start relationships with others around us, and we can build friendships on the foundation of God's love. I heard something both at the Easter Egg Hunt, and at the Block Party at Casa 'de Slemmon's last week.

"So what are y'all doing this for, anyway?"

My response - "You."

"What do you mean, Me?"

"Well, there are enough things out there that take advantage of people. We just want to put something out there that doesn't."

"That's it? You sure that's all you're doing? What's the catch..."

"No, that's it. No catch, no strings attached. We just wanna share our hot-dogs and bounce houses over a free night of fun for you and your family. We hope you have fun, that's it."

"Oh, OK. That's cool, man."

That's usually the last response before guards fall down. People realize that they don't need to be cleaned up for "religious freaks" to start to care about them. They start to see that those "nut-jobs" might not be all that crazy after all. That feeling that starts to soften hurts that have held on for far too long is love, and it's contagious. This kind of love draws people closer instead of polarizing them to the point of separation. This is what we owe our fellow inhabitants of planet Earth - true love.

Borrowing from Penn (of Penn and Teller) - check out the video below. The 3:00 mark is what resonates so strongly with me...

"How much do you have to hate someone..."

Oh, by the way, I am going to stop using Blogger for my blogposts. I have set up an account on Wordpress, and I will be updating pictures from the vacation on it as well. To check it out, click on the link

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